Business, Brand & IP Valuations
At SP&H, we understand that a well-researched opinion can be a cornerstone of a business’ success. Our attention to detail, methodology and extensive analytical tools result in factual opinions of unparalleled quality that withstand third-party scrutiny from investors, creditors, tax authorities, regulators, cross-examination, and courts of law.
Valuations Related to Business Transitions, Succession & Exit Strategy
SP&H provides companies, individuals and trusted advisers with robust due diligence for business transitions, succession, and mergers and acquisitions. Our clients include Fortune 1000 companies across the U.S. as well as international companies in Europe, Africa and Asia. When buying, selling or merging, expert advice, analysis and research will support transaction details such as price and terms, assess liabilities, and help make negotiations clear and fact-based. We help answer key questions, such as:
What is the business or the shares worth?
Is the offer equitable and is the company maximizing this opportunity?
How do we best communicate the true value of the company?
How do the terms of any shareholder, operating or buy-sell agreements impact value?
Are of lack of marketability and minority discounts applicable?
How do we justify the price to shareholders?
How do we structure the sale to decrease tax liability?
How to structure Buy-Sell Agreement?
Valuations of Brands, Patents and Intellectual Property
SP&H has decades of experience valuing complex intangible assets such as brands, patents, trademarks, tradenames, education curricula, medical processes, new technology, pharmaceuticals and procedures and other intellectual property. Our appraisals provide invaluable information for clients to monetize their intellectual property and intangible assets through licensing, joint ventures, partnerships, access to capital markets and outright sale. SP&H is your choice for intangible asset valuations.
Estate & Gift Tax Valuations
After a family has worked hard to build its wealth, it is of paramount importance to have a trusted advisor to help understand the value of those assets. SP&H specializes in valuations for very high net worth families with complex multi-entity investment structures. At SP&H we take a team approach in estate and gift tax valuation services and work with a top-flight group of professionals including attorneys, CPAs, private bankers, and financial planners. Our reports determine applicable discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability that can withstand scrutiny and review. Uses included in our Estate & Gift Tax Valuation include:
Limited liability companies and corporations
Partial ownership interests in assets such as real estate
Estate and gift tax planning and reporting
Buy-sell and cross-purchase agreements
Key person and life insurance funding
Recapitalization of common stock to preferred stock or non-voting common stock
Non-Cash donations to charitable organization or charitable remainder trusts
Customized Reports for Special Situations
SP&H will customize any analysis for unique business or advisory needs. With a full range of reporting options, we focus on providing you with research in the most easily communicated format.
Calculations of Value and Verbal Reports
Estimated range of value based on Limited Appraisal and scope of work
Full Appraisal Narrative Reports
Consultations with owners, management, and boards of directors to provide the foundational data for informed decision-making
Presentations at board of directors and special committee meetings
Q&A seminar at shareholder meetings